Wednesday, June 11, 2008

MODULE 1 – TASK B – Telnet:

I used telnet to connect to This is extremely entertaining! The use of ASCII art to create an entire movie viewable through telnet is awesome and not an application of telnet I would have considered existed.

While telnet is a great tool for command line applications and remote control of servers it can be seen that society has grown far beyond the days of enjoying a simple text based computer game.

One of my first experiences of using telnet was using it to play online multi-player games (MUD’s). These allowed online users to interact whilst playing and were the pioneer for many of the online graphical based multiplayer games today such as world of warcraft and the like. Here is a great example of how a fantastically entertaining idea, utilising the technology of the time has prospered over the years to create a new movement in computer gaming, almost all computer games released today include a multiplayer component.

These old systems where not only bland and unattractive but also required technical knowledge to operate and experience and would be frustrating for those without this intimate knowledge of technology.

Much of the technological advancement in recent times has been the simplifying of technologies to allow more people to be involved. An example of this is previously the need to understand the HTML language to create websites and understanding of using FTP to upload these to your web hosting providers. There are now point and click software applications that make it possible for people with no understanding of these technologies to publish websites, post blogs and have an online presence.

A benefit of this involvement by the masses in these activities is the expansion of knowledge and ideas exposed to technology. Once these tools have been mastered by the many the few push forward with more technical ideas and creations pulling the mass behind them in an ever evolving technical world.

R2D2’s father was a Jedi?

Well I watched it though it only gets to where they free the princess. What a shame!

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